Restauarant & Food Services

Restauarant & Food Services

Instacomm Food & Restaurant Communications

Radios and pagers that Increase efficiency and help the bottom line

Instacomm provides the best communications technology to the entire Food industry, from the warehouse, to the kitchen and dining room!

Our ServerCall paging systems keeps waiters, chefs, and managers in constant communication and working more efficiently. Waiters are instantly notified when the food is ready for pickup while it’s still hot and fresh.

The GuestCall paging system is just as efficient, keeping you in touch with your waiting customers, even when they wander away! Your team can manage their wait list and keep the entrance crowd-free, while your diners can walk, shop, or sit at the bar until their tables are ready.

Instacomm’s silent paging systems are delivered ready-to-use with all the guesswork of installation and operation eliminated. Reliable proven products, excellent warranties, and exceptional service will give you just what you have been looking for – a professional, efficient operation, helping the bottom line.

JTech pagers

Instacomm Paging systems
get the job done

Help staff or customers stay in touch, every step of the way.

DLR radios

Speed up your Communication with our Two-way radios

Connect your staff quickly and discreetly.

Contact Instacomm Today for more information